dr shamin miah

Shamin Miah

Dr Shamim Miah is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Huddersfield.

He is the author of three books:  Race, Place and Space: M62 and the Corridor of Uncertainty (forthcoming, Palgrave); Muslims, Schooling and the Question of Self-Segregation (Palgrave, 2015) which won the ‘highly commended’ book award by the Society for Educational Studies’ in 2016, and Muslims and the Question of Security: Trojan Horse, Prevent and Racialised Politics (Palgrave, 2017).

Shamim was the co-SIG convener for BERA (British Educational Research Association), is a senior research fellow at the Centre for Post-Normal Policy and Futures Study, and is currently writing a biography of Ibn Khaldun.

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