energy futures lab
Aziz Foundation/ Imperial College sustainable energy futures scholarship
The Aziz Foundation is pleased to announce that it is offering a Masters Scholarship at Energy Futures Lab for the 2024-25 academic year.
The scholarship offers a unique opportunity for an exceptional Muslim student active in British Muslim communities and keen to build bridges with all parts of British society. The student will have the commitment and intelligence to support and represent Muslim communities in wider society, as well as the credibility to bring and explain new learning experiences back to the community, and will thus create mutual understanding between Muslims and others and contribute to the creation of a more cohesive society.
The scholarship will cover the full home tuition fee.

Application process
Step 1 – Apply to Imperial College Energy Futures Lab
Complete an application to the MSc Sustainable Energy Futures for October 2024 entry.
The Scholarship is dependent upon you being accepted by Imperial College Energy Futures Lab.
Step 2 – Apply to Imperial College Energy Futures Lab for the Scholarship
Please submit a statement of no more than 1,000 words setting out how you meet the criteria above, addressing how you hope to use this scholarship for your future work to by 1st May 2024. Remember to include your full name and your CID in your email.
Step 3 – Attend the Interview
If called, please attend the interview with Energy Futures Lab and the Foundation. Interviews will be held in July/August.
Please note that we will only contact you if you have been short-listed. If you do not hear from us, then please assume that in this instance your application has not been successful.
The Aziz Foundation welcomes informal enquiries from candidates considering an application. Enquiries should be made to
Applicants should meet the following requirements:
- Have submitted a complete application to the MSc Sustainable Energy Futures programme.
- Be active within your local and/or faith community and demonstrate a desire to develop intellectual skills within a multi-faith/secular environment.
- Be able to demonstrate long-term commitment to community/societal development and good relations work through public leadership.
- Be Zakat eligible/ in financial need and therefore cannot cover the costs of tuition.
- Have an excellent understanding of the sustainable energy industry and how to progress within it, with relevant, prior experience and/or achievements in the field.
- Have knowledge of how the programme will enable you to generate social impact.
- Be a UK national and eligible for Home fee status at the University.