University of edinburgh

Preferred Partner University of Edinburgh, is one of the Aziz Foundation's preferred partners. They share our core values and actively promote Widening Participation at the postgraduate level.
Preferred Partners in Focus: university of Edinburgh
The University of Edinburgh strives hard to promote EDI and widening acces at every level of study, including at the postgraduate level. It has a contextual admissions process in place to take into account the challenges experienced by students from diverse backgrounds.
As a key element of the University's EDI institutional strategy, all staff at the University undertake mandatory unconscious bias training. Furthermore, there is a honorary Muslim chaplaincy and Muslim Belief contact to provide spiritual support for students.
The institution was one of the first in Scotland to adopt the APPG working definition of Islamphobia, alongside guidelines from the Coalition Against Islamophobia. A working group on Islamophobia has been established alongside this to action and embed tackling Islamophobia into the institutional working culture.